The Importance of Knowing Your Niche

Finding a profitable niche to build a website around is important but knowing that niche inside out and upside down is the key to turning the site into a money maker. Having first hand experience with the topic you’re writing about will set your site aside because you’ll be able to anticipate what your readers are looking for and give reliable answers based on experience rather than some half arsed research and a lot of guesswork.

For example, my living in London site is aimed squarely at young people who come over from various Commonwealth and European countries (and sometimes the States) on working holidays. I moved over to London five years ago so I’m able to provide all sorts of information that I wish I’d had before I came. I can relate that getting a UK bank account is the most frustrating experience ever, give sneaky advice on getting tax back, recommend the seediest Aussie pubs to go out on the pull and point readers towards where to find cheap beer. I can relate to my target market (because I am part of it) and am able to anticipate their questions and provide information that they want. Because of this my London site has been a success.

On the other hand, if I started a website aimed at families I could provide them with generic information about the city but I wouldn’t have a clue about other things like finding schools and, um… whatever else families moving to a new city need to know. I could do some research and try to wing it but I wouldn’t be able to provide nearly as much value as someone who has recently had to move their family to London.

People can see through fakes so my advice is to build sites around what you know, not around what has the highest paying Adsense keywords. If you know your niche well and love whatever it is you’re writing about then it will show and your site will stand out from the crowd.


About Kirsty