Belated August Earnings Update

Sorry about the lateness of the earnings update for anyone who is following along with great interest and anticipation. I’m sure you are dying to get this next update. I’m sure you’re waiting more eagerly for this that you are for Google’s PR update. I’m sure I live in a fantasy world.

The reason it’s late is because of the crappy pie chart. I wanted to add a pie chart (even though it doesn’t really show anything and kind of looks like poop) but I can’t do it at work where I do most of my blogging so I had to find time to do it at home which never seems to happen. So anyways, here’s my review, glorious pie chart and all:

August 2007 Earnings

August 2007 was my best month yet coming in at $1270. Made it past the thousand dollar mark for the first time by quite a good margin so I’m really happy! Adsense cleared $260, I earned $20 for writing a travel article, $50 for designing a logo, and nearly $140 in link sales.

Linkworth cancelled all my links the bastards. TLA came through though and 9 out of 10 links have been sold on I’ve still only managed to sell one on my Working Holidays site but I’ll be re-launching this soon (in theory!) so expect traffic and hopefully link sales to pick up.

The rest of the cashola came from affiliate programs with one in particular doing most of the earning which makes me a bit worried. I really want to get a few other affiliate programs firing before I go travelling just in case my money maker decides to pack it in or something.

So far this month earnings are looking ok, but nothing like August. I’m going to focus on getting my Working Holiday site up. That’s really my only goal I guess. I’d also like to come up with a better format for earnings updates and goal setting! I need something that holds me more accountable so I can use it as motivation. I feel a bit scattered this month and need to get focused again.

About Kirsty