Gimmie $ Gimme $ Gimmie

So I earned nearly $1300 in September, more than I could have ever imagined and it all feels a bit, I dunno, like I should be happier than I am. If you were to tell me a year ago that I would be earning over $1000 doing this first I would have said “Shut UP! No way!” and then I would have been giddy with excitement.

But now that I’m at this point, I just want to keep pushing for more. It seems like the more I earn, the more I want to earn which is a bit of a worry because I’ve never really been the money hungry type. While I’m still working a regular a job I consider the money earned from the web as extra cash. Now that I’m packing it in, my thoughts are less about what I’ll do with the money and more about how much I’ll need to survive and suddenly $1300 doesn’t seem like as much as it used to.

I wonder what my reaction will be if I ever start making the really big bucks. Earning $2000 is within reach and more than enough to live in the places I’ll be going but I wonder if I’ll still be left unsatisfied because I won’t be able to stash enough away into my savings. Figures like $5000 a month seem out of reach and that would be nearly twice as much as I’ve ever earned in the rat race but I wonder if, once (if) I ever reach that point I’ll still come away wanting more more more.

I think this feeling might be less about greed and more about wanting security. Being my own boss is great but if the business fails, that’s it, there’s nobody to give me a severance package. Plus I think it might have something to do with the unsteadiness of the internet world. If Google decides they don’t like my sites anymore then things will come crashing down pretty quickly. Or the internet could just all implode one day, who knows! Then there’s always the drive to succeed and do well in business. I’m pretty competitive and hearing how much others are earning drives me to try and get to that point as well.

I’m not sure how much I’ll need to be earning to feel secure. I think it has less to do with monthly earnings and more to do with how much I have in the bank though. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still utterly amazed, grateful and excited to be earning this much but if you would have told me this a year ago I would be dancing in the streets. As yet, there has been no street dancing. Talk to me when I’m raking in $5000 a month though and if I’m not dancing jigs in streets all around the world then someone track me down and give me a massive kick in the arse!

About Kirsty