Budgeting Mission: Week Four

I’ve spent four weeks of sort of watching what I spend with a few splurges here and there and the final results are in.

Here are my totals after my last week:

  • UK funds: £2142 (about US$3160)
  • US funds: $1223 (bank account and Paypal)
  • Cash: US$340

I had a few smallish payments come in and, to be honest I have completely lost track of my spending. I have realised that while I might be ok at keeping my costs low, I’m garbage at actually keeping track of it. Ah well. My best guess is that I spent about $200 during my last week including Spanish lessons at $105 and a massive bottle of rum ($15) as a thank you for my free accommodation. That means for the other stuff I spent just over $10 a day which is about what I expected given that I ate out and went out a bit more this week.
I had been hoping to come out ahead after a month in Nicaragua but I’m waiting on a couple of payments to come through. When they do finally make their way to my accounts in the next few days, I should be up about $300 from the US$5085 I arrived with at the beginning of April.

I’m off to Ometepe tomorrow, an island made up of two volcanoes that is in Lake Nicaragua. It’s got a lot of farmy type places that accept volunteers so my hope is to get up to some sort of work on one of them, learn some new things, meet some nice people and hang around for as long as I’m enjoying it.

I might be out of touch for the next wee while but I will try to tee up a couple of posts in case I am. If you don’t hear from me for a bit, rest assured that I am hunting down a net connection… in betweek kayaking, cycling, painting, horse riding etc etc. Ah island life… bring it on.

About Kirsty