A Glimpse into Documentary Filmmaking

Yes, I realise You Can See Up My Skirt... Enjoy! ;-)

About four months ago I got an email from Christine at Almost Fearless about being featured in their documentary, The Wireless Generation. I loved the sound of their project and, having read Christine’s blog for many years, I was flattered to be approached. I told her I was in!

Christine and her husband Drew have been wandering around the world filming people from their documentary for the past year. I was expecting a visit from them in July but after being on the road non-stop, with a baby in tow, no less, they changed their plans and headed to Chiang Mai to decompress for awhile.

So after a slight delay, Drew, the husband part of the operation, arrived in Kigali last week. After a few days of Yellow Fever Vaccination recovery (and after I recovered from a nasty cough) we met a couple of days ago finally in one of my favourite cafes in Kigali and got down to business.

I’ve been a bit nervous about this whole process, to be honest. I’m not a massive self-promoter type and felt a bit uneasy about being caught on film forever and ever. But I feel like I don’t really step outside my comfort zone too often these days so I was looking at it as a challenge.

The interview itself seemed to go pretty well. I don’t think I made myself sound too much like an idiot or an asshole. Drew asked lots of good questions and made the process pretty relaxing and easy. I’ll be curious to see how they edit down an hour of me talking about various topics into however long my spot in the film will be. It’s also pretty interesting to see the other types of shots he’s been taking and seeing them all patched together will be pretty interesting as well. I’m curious about how Kigali’s going to look on film and what sorts of shots he’s been getting around town. It’s pretty cool to get a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the documentary process. It looks like hard work!

So I guess stay tuned for the documentary to come out at some point next year. It seems like collecting the interviews is only half the battle and there’s a lot more to be done. But I’ll let you know when I make my cinematic debut! Unless I end up on the cutting room floor… then ignore all of this.


About Kirsty