Lazing Around in Beijing

I have to admit that I haven’t really done much (any) sightseeing since I arrived about 10 days ago. I have managed to join a gym, buy bedding, find a good supermarket near my house, eat lots of Mexican food (?), scope out some language courses, locate the main bar area, do some work on my websites and watch a bunch of pirated DVDs.

I was out today and finally saw the children’s ass crack pants in action but it was a pee, not a poo. Apparently the ass crack extends to the crotch region. Great. There’s something disconcerting about seeing a puddle of human pee on a busy sidewalk in Beijing’s Central Business District. There’s somethine even more disconcerting about the idea of little baby jobbies booby trapping the sidewalks. There’s something especially disconcerting knowing that a pair of pants has been designed specifically with this in mind.

As far as my attempt at Chinese, I’m still sadly stuck on ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’. Hello is ‘nihao’ and apparently ‘ni’ means ‘you’ and ‘hao’ means ‘good’. So I guess I know four words. Fours words in over a week is pretty slow going. Although I did have to learn the world for bridge to tell taxi drivers where I live so I guess I’m at five. Of course I say all of these words completely wrong and have no grasp on the world of tones so I might as well be a mute. Chinese is scary.

About Kirsty