Keeping Track of Ideas for Posts

I’m into my second week as a blogger extraordinaire and I’m really enjoying it so far. I’ve been writing every day and it hasn’t been as much of a chore and I thought it would be. Of course I’m only around 15 posts in so ask me again when I’m floating around post 200 and trying desperately to think up something to write. If you start to see posts detailing how many socks I have of each colour or listing my all time favourite TV shows from the 80s then you can bet that I’m out of ideas, but for now things are going well.

I often have amazingly wonderful ideas for posts pop into my head only to see them fall victim to my dreadful memory and vanish into thin air. I always expect to remember them, but that never happens. This is probably really nerdy but I’ve started carrying a notepad around with me to jot my ideas into. Not one of those fancy electronic things either, I’m talking old school pen and paper.

If I come up with even a vague idea for a post or even just a title, I’ll jot it down. I’ve been doing this for a week and end up with half written posts, unfinished lists and little pieces of paper with blog post titles scribbled everywhere. Then every few days I consult my notepad of amazingly wonderful ideas and type everything that doesn’t suck into my blog as draft posts.

At the moment I have about 30 draft posts on the go. Some are feeble efforts that may never see the light of day and some are mammoth essays that I might be able to break up into a handful of posts. Whenever I get a spare second at work (or decide that I want to avoid work for several hours) I’ll fire up the blog and delve into my drafts, adding to each a bit at a time.

So far this has worked really well for me and I haven’t forgotten too many ideas lately. At least I don’t think I have, I don’t really remember.

About Kirsty