Struggle of Keeping a Blog Updated

It looks like I’ve fallen victim to the difficulties of keeping my blog updated. It’s not because I don’t have time to do it but that I’ve sort of lost touch with the blogging world for now. It’s difficult to write about blogging and earning online when I don’t have much time to check out other blogs, message boards and tinker with methods of earning online.

I’ve got lots to report on the travel side of things though and am still amazed at how easy and cheap it is to get online here in Bangladesh! Work as a volunteer is really great and rewarding and the people here are really cool. It rained today and I managed to get some little things done on my Wanderstruck site which is encouraging but I’ve still got loads to do. Luckily we’ve got two more days off and I’m planning to hit the site building thing really hard tomorrow.

I’m hoping to finally get this sponsers/fundraising page done so I can put the word out. I’m hoping that other bloggers will be interested in writing a post about what I’m attempting so it will be interesting from a marketing aspect to see if I can generate a bit of interest from around the web. I think I’ll make it my aim to get included in those weekly round-up type posts that bloggers tend to do.

On Friday a bunch of us are planning to head to the Sundarbans National Park which is a UNESCO World Heritage site and apparently home to Bengal tigers. We’ll be attempting to bribe our way in in order to avoid having to hire an official boat and armed guard. I think we’ll be taking our interpreter with us who knows which strings to pull and we’ll see what happens. Should be pretty funny if nothing else!

About Kirsty