Spending Now, Saving Later

Hey all! Sorry I haven’t checked in at all. I knew this would be a busy month because I’ve got a crapload of Olympics tickets and mainly because I have some friends in town which means I won’t really have much time to myself. It’s been great here in Beijing… I’ve met some great people, seen some great events and I don’t think I’ve been sober in a week.

But it go tme thinking… I’ve been blowing money like crazy! I’ don’t even think twice before taking money out of my bank accounts or buying dinner or paying for a cab. It’s been so much fun but my bank account is dying a death.

But because I know I’ll be heading to Thailand to do this course thing I’m not really worried abut it at all. It’s sort of fun having periods of spending and periods of saving. Obviously this Olympics will mean some serious spening but since I’ve already paid for a 10 week course in Thailand, I know I’ll mae that up and com eout with a skill to boot.

It’s an amazing thing to know that studying or volunteering can mean savings!I’ll check in soon with some Olympics updates. So far it’s been unreal! So much fun.

About Kirsty