Screwed by a Busted Power Cord

I’ve just finished swimming with whale sharks so I’m in a good mood but I’m sure writing this post and thinking of the hassle I’ll have to endure will kill the buzz. The whale shark thing was pretty damn cool, by the way.

Ok, on to the buzz kill. I think my power cord has shat itself. It might be my UK/Philippines adaptor but I can’t check it because I left my big bag with all of my other electronics back in Manila. I’ll be able to test that tomorrow so fingers crossed, that’s all it is. Although, that said, I’m not sure how I’ll get a UK to anywhere adaptor outside of the UK so it could be just as annoying a problem.

If it is my power cord then I’m not really sure what to do. I’ve seen some on eBay but I’m due to leave Manila in less than 10 days and I don’t think I’ll be able to get it here in time. I’ll be cruising the local computer shops tomorrow but I have my doubts. Plus I don’t even know if I can use a Philippines/US cord on a UK computer. Anyone know?

The main reason this is immensely annoying besides the obvious hassle is because I had decided to spend the next week before I leave in Manila with my sweet, precious, free wifi to work on my sites before heading to Bangladesh. That would have given me lots of time to get things sorted out and my new site finished.

I think I have enough juice left in my other battery to transfer everything over to my hard drive but I’m not totally sure of that. If I don’t then I’m in trouble.

Anyone have any suggestions?

About Kirsty