Going Back to School (Sort Of)

Pun Pun ThailandOne of the major benefits of working online is that I have the freedom and time to explore old interests and discover new ones. Part of this is being able to devote time to learning about all of those things I’ve always meant to get around to but just never have.

One of these is sustainable living. I’ve been interested in the whole idea voluntary simplicity since university and really love the idea of creating a lifestyle that is sustainable. Working online creates financial freedom so learning skills to be able to rely on myself for other needs besides money is the logical next step. I’m not interested in dropping out of society and joining the ranks of the great unwashed, just in living a more simple and healthy life while building practical, useful skills.

So with that in mind, I’ve enrolled in an internship at Pun Pun farm near Chang Mai in Thailand. I’ve come across their website many times in the past but never really knew about the internship until now. I had been planning on visiting a neighbouring farm, The Panya Project, and stumbled onto it. Not only will it allow me to learn new stuff, it’ll also fill up a large portion of my time. I was wondering what to do with five months in Southeast Asia since I’m not really too interested in the backpacking trail at the moment so this is perfect.

It’s ten weeks long from November 1st and costs US$1400 which includes food and accommodation. This works out to be just under $20 per day which is an amazing deal considering I will be learning loads of new things and probably eating yummy, organic Thai food. I will probably end up saving money while I’m there which to me seems like the bargain of the year. The course teaches about adobe and natural building, seed saving, permaculture, water sanitation and lots of good stuff like that. It’s set in a farming community and I expect I’ll meet lots of interesting local people as well as other travellers.

I’m hoping to use my free time to learn new things as often as possible on my travels. I would be really upset with myself if I blew all my free time at the pub! What sorts of things would you study or take courses in if you had the time and money? Is there somewhere in the world you’d like to head to specifically to study something?

About Kirsty