Do I Want to Aim for the Stars or Be a Satisfied Slacker?

to climb or not to climbI wasn’t feeling well today so pulled a sickie and spent most of the day wandering between my bed and my desk. When I was online I spent most of my time reading blogs instead of doing work and I came across a couple of interesting videos that got me thinking.

The problem is that I don’t think they got me thinking about what it should have got me thinking about – how to take the world by storm! Instead I started to wonder if I could really be bothered with all that success and the riches, employees, responsibilities and headaches that go with it or if I’m happy sitting behind my computer screen as an unknown, plugging away and making a modest salary while living what I consider to be a pretty sweet lifestyle.

Watching this has made me wonder if most people out there in internetland are after as much as they can get – dreaming big, wanting to be the best, hoping to make a name for themselves and get all the accolades that go with it. Or are most people just happy to have enough money to live their life comfortably in anonymity? To me the celebrity aspect sounds like hell and I think I would explode if I even attempted to have half as much energy as that guy has.

How about you guys? Are you dreaming of big things, bright lights and big egos or are you happy to dream big in a quietly confident sort of way, slowly building your web empire behind the scenes? I’m not sure the self promotion game is one I’m really keen on playing although I love following the people who do it well. Is this loser speak I’m spewing forth?

About Kirsty