February Fears and a Change of Un-Plans

So far, February has been crap for earnings. My main affiliate is way down, other affiliates sales are non-existant and private links sales are the same. It’s a bit scary to see earnings drop drastically but I have to remember to keep it in mind that I have been doing some extreme slacking… and then there’s that whole economic downturn thing.

Despite February’s apparent crappiness, I’m not really that worried. I have been (slowly) building new sites here and there and I have some good ideas up my sleeve. The never ending problem for me seems to be taking time out to dedicate to putting my head down and doing some serious work.

I am due to leave Haiti in two days and will be in Miami until February 23rd. I am hoping to do a bit of work then but the reality is that I will have to shop for a lot of annoying things (wedding dress, clothes to replace everything I destroyed here, camera repairs) and when I’m not doing that, I will probably want to just veg out on the beach, take hot showers and eat bad food after three and a half months in the mud of Gonaives. Then I’ll be in Australia for what will be 12 days of complete debauchery as I catch up with loads of friends I made a few years ago in London.

I didn’t have any plans for after Australia. I was trying to get on a yacht, considering taking a Spanish course somewhere, and contemplating travelling around Central America with a friend on the most ridiculous form of transport we could find (donkeys and chariots were both considered). I should have known that Hands On would, once again, make things interesting and they have by extending the project here until March 28th. So now I have a one-way flight back to Haiti on March 10th and it doesn’t look like I will be dedicating any time to my websites anytime soon. Not the sort of attention they need, anyways.

So even if February stinks, I won’t really have the time to do anything about it until the end of March. Like I said, I’m not worried. Yet. If March proves to be another poor earning month then I will have to consider locking myself away somewhere in an attempt to catch up on everything, build some new sites and get things moving in the right direction again.

I wonder how bad things have to get before I get scared into action?

About Kirsty