Late Night Link Love – Part Deux

It really annoys me when I come across a great idea for a site that I could have totally pulled off myself. This one is a perfect example of how a simple idea can be combined with a bit of coding (that can easily be outsourced) to create a great wee tool. If you love travelling and you love beer then check out to see how badly boozing it up on your next trip will blow your budget.

With a domain name like ‘Nerdy Nomad’ you’d think I’d be up on all the latest gadgets and gizmos for the flashpackers among us. As it turns out, travel gadgets don’t really do it for me. Fortunately, Geeky Traveller comes to the rescue with reviews on lots of cool little travel gizmos.

Think adventure travel is dead unles you want to climb Everest or trek to the South Pole? Think again! The Adventurists are thinking up wild and wacky ways to bring some craziness back to a world where everything seems to have been done. They’re the organisers of the hugely popular Mongol Rally and the Rickshaw Run that my friend and I plan on doing at the end of 2009. If you’re looking to spice up your travels, why not drive some shit heap of a vehicle across mountains for thousands of miles on dodgy roads for charity? Can’t wait!

About Kirsty