Late Night Link Love

Yes, I am fully aware it’s a Friday night and here I am at home tapping away on the ol’ computer. This blog is called Nerdy Nomad afterall. I do have a social life, I promise you, but I’m pretty motivated at the moment and am on a bit of a savings mission too. So there will be many more Friday nights chained to the computer for me. Lots of nights in general so I’ve decided to throw out a bit of link love whenever I get bored of researching and writing content for my other sites. Every now and then when I find myself up late and have some good links in mind I’ll whack one of these posts up.

So without further ado…

Here’s a great tip for earning more with Adsense that’s been posted over at the Working Nomad forum. One of those little ideas that I never would have thought of. If you know CSS well enough have a crack and let us know how you go.

The guy who made the post is actually the author of Travelfish, a fantastic site for anyone thinking of travelling to Southeast Asia. This is actually a really good site to look at for ideas of how to do affiliate programs well. He’s got Amazon set up, travel insurance, My Trip Journal, and even sells his own travel guides. All in a nice, clean design. Even if you’re not going to Asia anytime soon take a look because I really think this site is set up well.

Ok enough pimping Travelfish, time to send some love back to some blogs I’ve been reading lately. I’m totally new to the blogging world and never really got the point of them but I’ve changed my heathen ways though and have converted.

Here are a bunch of good ones: Rich Minx (funny), One Man’s Goal (will be interesting to see if he can do it), Retire Young and Wealthy (money tips from a nomad webmaster) and Travel Close Up (a newish travel/foodie blog that has been progressing nicely).

Ok that’s all for the link love for tonight. I’ve avoided doing research long enough, time to get back to work.

About Kirsty