Wondering How Productive I Will Be on the Road

I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. I’ve been really well behaved of late… spending nights in, working hard on my sites over the weekend and generally just being a nerdy loser as much as possible. Well I can only take so much hiding out and this weekend I made up for it in a big way and can safely say that all day drinking benders are not good for productivity.

I’m pretty easily led astray and I’m wondering how much work I’ll realistically be able to get done once I hit the road. When I start out, the plan is to do some Couchsurfing and the whole point of it is social exchange so being an antisocial computer nerd isn’t gonna cut it. Plus I’m pretty sure I’d much rather chat to people than work anyways. I suppose I’ll have to hole myself up at a guesthouse now and then to get caught up.

I think when I’m settled with an apartment in Beijing I’ll be ok because I’ll probably be living in my own place and hopefully won’t be tempted too much. But then again, I’ll be in a new and exciting city and I’d be stupid not to take advantage of it. But I don’t plan on working a regular job so I should have plenty of time on my hands.

During the Olympics I’ll be totally screwed because it’s looking like a big group of friends will be descending on Beijing and it should be two solid weeks of debauchery. After that, the plan is to hit the road again but this time I’ll have a friend in tow and I doubt she’ll be too impressed with me wanting to hide away to work on my sites. Overall, I think the times when I’m on the move will be my least productive and it will be especially challenging when I’m travelling with a friend.

I’m going up to Scotland on Thursday for 10 days for my cousin’s wedding and the laptop will be coming with me. My parents and brother are coming over from Canada and it’ll be interesting to see if I’m able to sneak away now and then to get some work done. The whiskey will be flowing but I’m sure there will be a lot of down time in between so it will be a good test of how well I’m able to motivate myself and manage my time.

It’ll also be the first time I’ll really be using my new laptop so I’m excited to see how everything goes. Hopefully I’m not expecting too much out of what I can get done when I’m on the road but I guess time will tell.

About Kirsty