Creepy Goings On At Facebook

I was friended today by an internet pal I’ve known since the dawn of my first website back in 2001. He sent the friend request and in it was a little message saying he just joined Facebook and that I popped up in his sidebar and he didn’t know why.

Having been a member of Facebook for longer than five minutes, one thing I could explain was that the ‘People You Might Know’ thing displays people based on who you have as mutual friends. Right?

Well I checked my friend’s seven-person (and growing) friends list to find that there was nobody on there that I had ever been Facebook friends with. Odd, but no biggie and off I surfed.

Well just now I was in Facebook and a familiar face appeared in my sidebar. I was positive I had seen the face before but wasn’t sure where and opened up her friends list to see who we both know. The answer? Nobody! Then I remembered where I’d seen her face it was in a funny video about eating some crazy ice cream desert with corn in it in Asia, I think. Her face must have stuck in my mind because of her reaction to the bite she took… it was pretty funny. She was not impressed.

But this raises some questions… why did this person appear in the ‘People You Might Know’ sidebar? Why did I appear in my old friend’s friend suggester thing? I don’t have any mutual friends with either of these people. What does Facebook know and how the hell do they know it??

There’s just something creepy about this whole thing. Anyone know how ‘The FB Machine’ works on this matter?

About Kirsty