Jumping on the Twitter Bandwagon

I’ve been using Twitter a lot lately to follow what’s been happening in Haiti with Hands On, the volunteer organisation I’ll be joining in a week and a bit. They’ve embraced Twitter in a big way and following their updates has been a great way to keep on top of what’s happening over there and what I can expect. I think I like it.

Before this litter revelation I had been a bit confused by Twitter in a similar way I had been baffled by blogs before I started one. With blogs, I couldn’t figure out why anyone would want to read about the mundane, day to day exploits of other people. With Twitter I couldn’t figure out why anyone would want to read about the mundane, hour to hour exploits of other people.

I now see both as great tools for communicating and connecting with other people. Twitter is much newer to me so I’m still not sure how to use it to my advantage. It seems like it’s possible to connect with people on Twitter that you probably would never have been able to get in touch with in other ways. Plus you never know who’s reading and opportunities might drop into your lap as a result of your Twitter use.

So I’m jumping on the bandwagon and will updating my Twitter feed thing as much as I can. With a trip to Haiti in the near future, I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to keep the updates at least a little bit interesting so feel free to follow along on Twitter.

About Kirsty