Back at Home But Out of Touch for Another Week

Ive been back at home for a week now after a great couple of weeks in New York and a really fun couple of days in Boston. It’s been great hanging out with my parents and catching up with my brother and the few friends I still have here in town. I plan to head to Toronto for a couple of nights soon and hopefully down to Windsor to stay with another friend from highschool. But first things first… tomorrow I’m off to cottage country up north for a bit of houseboating around the lakes.

Growing up my family weren’t big campers or outdoorsy people and the one time we stayed in a cottage my mum pretty much packed everything possible, including the kitchen sink. This time around I don’t think we will be too overloaded with modern conveniences but we definitely won’t be roughing it, either. My parents have a couple of friends over from Scotland too so it should be pretty fun hanging with the oldies and their friends, doing a bit of fishing, drawing a bit, reading, writing, editing some photos and hopefully finally doing my taxes too. I love boats and the outdoors and I’m pumped to get to spend some time with my parents so I’m looking forward to it.

It does however mean that for the next week I won’t be getting much online stuff done. I will be missing in action until next Monday but I am hoping to have enough researchy type things saved to be able to do a lot of article writing while I’m offline. Since I have been home my parent’s router has been busted and the weather has been beautiful which has meant I haven’t been able to do nearly as much as I had wanted. I’m not sure how life on the boat will be but if things are as laid back and relaxed as I hope they are, I should be able to come home with a good amount of work to upload. That’s the idea, at least.

I came home this time without having any plans set in stone for when I will leave and where I will go. That’s probably the first time it’s ever happened; usually I know my next move months in advance of landing in Canada. It feels good though… I love the flexibility and the unknown. It means that I have been doing a lot of thinking about my next move and I still haven’t decided.

One thing is certain, I will not be spending the winter here, I can’t handle it anymore. I have a flight back to Managua for mid October and the front-runner plan is heading to New York a week before the flight to finish up on some work and meet up with a few more friends, fly to Managua, and travel back up through Mexico maybe working on farms as I go. Home for Xmas and then off to Africa via the UK in January. I will have to get over my winter phobia but if I keep my time in the Northern Hemisphere short, I think I will be ok. Of course all of this depends on what is happening in the world and if my favourite disaster response organisation are operating anywhere. They have a way of changing my plans over night.

I’ve got a couple of blog posts lined up for this week but other than that I will probably be out of touch until next week. I plan on being in St. Catharines in the Niagara Region for just under two months so if you are in the neighbourhood and want to meet up, let me know!

About Kirsty