Home Sweet Home in Beijing

I’ve been in Beijing now for a few days and I have to be honest that, due to the discovery of giant beers for less than a buck and a really fun hostel, I have probably spent more time hungover than being productive.

But I have managed to get a few things done in the five days I’ve been here. On Monday I headed up to the University district where I was planning on living and studying. I was wandering by a real estate office sipping on my iced tea when I was whisked inside and they tried to help me with the apartment search. With me speaking no Chinese and them speaking no English, we were communicating with a Google translating website. Their first question for me was ‘Are you anxious?’ I assume they were wondering how soon I wanted an apartment as opposed to enquiring about my state of the mind at the time. After a few more similarly confusing questions I made a hasty exit and was still apartmentless.

The subway here spells like kilbossa and their stairways smell like spearmint. It makes me hungry every time I travel on it. Something that doesn’t make me hungry… I saw a little kid wearing a pair of pants with a slit in the ass crack which is rumoured to be for unleashing poops on location, on demand. Fortunately I didn’t see this device in action but I’m sure I will soon enough. But back to the subway… it’s really, really busy. There are people going everywhere at all times and I have no idea how the thing survives during rush hour. It looks like there are fences and things set up to corral commuters into lines when it gets really busy. I just can’t see myself wanting to wait in a giant line for the underground when taxis here only cost a few bucks to get anywhere.

So on to taxis… if I don’t get mowed down by one of them soon I will be surprised. If I don’t get moved down by a bke, car or bus I will be more surprised. The corners of the major streets (highways?) are manned by men who direct traffic while you cross the street and even with them there it’s a really scary experience getting anywhere in this place. I just kind of close my eyes and walk off into the street hoping for the best which is probably a strategy that could use some work.

It also doesn’t help that I have no idea where I live. I have  a vague idea where I am on a map of the city but I’m not totally sure how to say it and none of the maps are accurate enough for me to be able to point. This is the most confusing place I’ve ever been but I guess I can’t be too hard on myself after only a week. I don’t think I’ve eaten dog yet by accident and I haven’t been swindled so I’m not doing too bad I suppose.

So ya… I got an apartment. This sounds really dodgy but I met an American guy in a bar the other night and he needed a housemate, I needed a house, and there you have it. Easy as that. So two days later I am sitting in a swish apartment for way less than I was expecting to pay and way way less hassle than I would have had to go through if I got my own place. Internet set up, cleaner arranged, lease under his name, and all that good stuff.

I went to a language school this afternoon and think I might be lazy again and sign up for them because I can’t figure out how to get around this damned city and that place is a 15 minute walk away. The only horrible, horrible problem is that classes start at 8:30am and go for four hours a day, Monday to Friday. That sounds like hell. I might just go for four weeks and see if I can hack it. I have my doubts though.

So all up, Beijing is a pretty cool place. Once I figure out how to leave my house and get back in one piece and learn some of the language and stop feeling like such a moron I think things will be really good here. Looking forward to it!

About Kirsty