Getting Munched by Mossies on Boracay

I’m really happy I bit the bullet and sprung for malaria medication because this whole prevention thing just isn’t working for me. I’ve sprayed myself silly with deet to the point where I feel like a walking toxic hazard but the wee buggers are still having a feast.I guess the good thing is that the red bite marks will soon blend in with my sun burn that is no doubt on the horizon. I haven’t been doing much here besides wandering, relaxing and working on my websites. That suits me since next weekend I’m heading to some boozy festival in a town not too far away. I hear the people there ply you with rum and force you to dance on floats in the parade which could be either really fun or tragic considering how badly I dance.

Well I was going to go to the beach but the weather seems to want to mess with me and it’s pouring out. I guess I’ll just sit here being itchy until the sun comes out.

About Kirsty