Taking a Vacation from Frustration

Lazing Around in Kibuye

I’ve been lazy lately. No, really lazy. Well… lazy when it comes to work, at least. I’ve been doing pretty well with my attempts at learning French and guitar. But as far as working on my sites goes, it seems like I’ve been spinning my wheels.

I think a lot of my lack of interest in working at the moment comes from being super frustrated. A few of my sites have been hacked. Nothing major, just files not showing up anymore because of changes to my code and this site had some crazy viagra things going on for awhile too. Plus I’ve had a few issues with the recent WordPress upgrade which has meant that, rather than working on fun stuff, I’ve been trying to work out problems.

So the past few weeks have seen me trying to fix hacks and plug security holes. Stuff I don’t know much about and have zero interest in but I guess it’s a necessary evil. I still haven’t figured out why my two WordPress sites are screwy but I guess this problem will be next on my list.

I’ve also found finding writers for my Africa site to be a lot more difficult than I expected. I know there are plenty of people travelling on this giant continent, but can I find their blogs? Nope. Most of the blogs I find are from people who’ve already finished their trips. So that’s kind of knocked the wind out of my sails for that site. I’m still really enjoying working on my Kigali life website but it’s not really making me any money (although I think there’s a lot of potential for it to) so it sort of feels a bit like I’m not focusing on the right things.

So ya… I’m frustrated! So I took a holiday to a town called Kibuye on Lake Kivu, a popular getaway for people living in Kigali. I wrote some reviews for the Kigali site but left my other work alone. I felt pretty recharged when I got back and now I’m a little bit back into the swing of things. It also helps that my best friend here, a teacher who has two months off, has headed home for a couple of weeks. So while I’m going to miss her, it means that I don’t have anyone tempting me to hang out at the pool or go for afternoon cocktails (…it’s a tough life) and I’ll, in theory, be able to get a lot done.

So I’m back at it. I still have a bit of work to do on my security issues which is painful, and I still don’t know what’s wrong with my other WordPress sites. But it has to be done. So I’m going to stop staling by writing this post and get to it!

About Kirsty