Free WiFi Is My Friend

I’m sitting here at Friendly’s Hostel in Manila on the roof and taking full advantage of their free wifi connection while I wait what feels like an eternity for my room to be ready. I’m stupidly tired so I’m not sure how productive I’m being but it’s still nice to be able to fill up waiting time with something semi-productive.

I tried to work on the long flight from London to Hong Kong but was sabotagued by the girl in front of me wanting to have her chair as far back as possible. It was all up in my face! I was able to keep it open but the keyboard was pushed into my stomach and the typing stance I had to adopt looked pretty ridiculous and was definitely not ergonomically correct! But what can ya do.

So I’m here, I’m stinky, I’m tired and I’m hoping sleep and a shower is on the horizon. So far so good on the work front though and if this free wifi in hostels thing is common then I should be laughing.

About Kirsty