Off to Another Internet-Free Zone

By the time you read this, I’ll be in Yangon finding my feet in another new country. Ah the joys of the delayed post! I’ve got a few lined up for the next month since I’ve heard that internet in Myanmar is hard to come by.

I was hoping to leave my computer in Chang Mai and travel super lightly but I haven’t really found a place I trust enough to leave it for seven weeks so it looks like it’ll be coming along for the ride. I don’t thin kMyanmar is known as a late night party mecca and I think other travellers are a bit thin on the ground right now so that could mean some quiet nights. Just what the doctor ordered!

If I’m not too tired from doing things during the day, I’m hoping to get lots of things done during my downtime in Burma.

  • Photos – I’ve got loads of photos to sort through before adding them to my travel blog so I might atempt to make a dent in them. I’d like to separate everything into folders so that I can just upload them in one go. I might even get really ambitious and do some photo editing and tweaks so that my photos look really sweet.
  • Country guides – I’ve been meaning to update for ages now and a major part of that is country guides for the places I’ve been on this trip. I’ve got lots of stuff written down in detail but need to edit it all and then design an interface for it all. I’m not sure how I want to organise the new information so will need to have a think about that, do some drawings and see what I can come up with.
  • Catch up on my books – I just filed my taxes for the 2007/08 UK tax year and realised how much easier it is to do when everything is up to date. Unfortunately, nothing is up to date for this coming tax year and I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.
  • Practice photography – I’m going to actually use my big camera for a change. Normally I can’t be bothered with the thing because its so heavy and bulky, but this time I mean business! I’m more into taking portrait photos and people in Myanmar are meant to be super friendly so hopefully I won’t be too shy about asking if I can take their photos.
  • Relax – I need to recover frm the boozefest that the past month and a bit has been. I’m looking forward to some trekking, biking, wandering around and just generally kicking back and being booze-free for at least a month. Bring back the healthy life!

So I’ll be out of touch for about a month. Or I think I will… I hear internet is patchy at best but I’m not sure how outdated that information is. I’m working at getting a few posts lined up while Im away but I probably won’t be able to approve or reply to comments until I get back to Bangkok in my October. Speak to you then!

About Kirsty