Possible Detour to Haiti?

I knew HODR would screw me over at some point, I just didn’t expect it to be so soon. They’re currently doing an assessment in Haiti to see if they’ll be able to send a deployment there to help out after succession of tropical storms and hurricaines. HODR are the people I volunteered with in Bangladesh and I had such an awesome time there, I wouldn’t hesitate to join them again, even if it means a radical change of plans.

Well I don’t think a change of plans gets more radical than a detour from Asia to Haiti! If the deployment goes ahead it will be a bit of a tought decision since I’ve already committed to taking a course in Thailand starting in November and have put down $500 towards it. I really want to do the course, but I expect the farm to be there for years to come and this volunteering opportunity won’t.

It’s all early days and I have no idea yet if they’ll deploy to Haiti or not. If they do it will mean a lot of extra money in airfares and a bit of money lost on the course I was going to take, but I could never pass up a chance like this one. It’d be one hell of an adventure, that’s for sure.

I’ll keep you posted!

About Kirsty