Getting Back into a Routine is Tough

I’m back in Canada and have been for a few days now. I’ve had lots of time to post and work on my sites, but have I? A big fat NO is the answer to that question.

Despite my love of wandering around without any plans or commitments, I really am a bit of a creature of habit. I’ve been working really hard over the past few months in London largely because I’ve had a quiet place to work and was in a routine. Here in Canada I don’t really have an office type space and I’ve found it hard to concentrate. It’s 10:15pm and my parents are asleep and this is the first real chance I’ve had to get some work done.

I’m working from the kitchen table at the moment which isn’t ideal. I might have to clear a space in the basement to hide myself away in for a few hours a day because this isn’t cutting it! Too much going on around me and the fridge is too close and seems to be raided often by me.

I’m going to have to address both of these issues once I start travelling so I might as well try to get used to it before I go. I doubt I’ll ever have anything that resembles a desk until I get an apartment in China and I think there will always be distractions around me no matter where I am. 

So just a heads up that I’m doing my best to get back into a routine. I think I underestimated how difficult that might be. I guess I just assumed that once I’m no longer working I’ll have loads of time to work on my sites. The reality is that I’m easily distracted and if I can’t learn to deal with working in less than ideal situations then I’ll be pretty screwed!

About Kirsty