Lets Get Personal

Back when I started building websites I sort of struggled through most things, never sure if how I was doing things was right or wrong. Nobody handed me an instruction manual at the beginning of all this and I’ve never known if the way I do things is similar to most people or completely out of whack.

One thing I’ve always wondered about is whether to write from a personal point of view, using the ‘I’ word, telling stories and giving opinions. Or whether it’s better to write as though the site is run by a company, using ‘we’ even though the site is run by one person and writing in a more professional manner. I’m not talking about blogs which are mostly personal but regular websites which seem to have a good mix of both styles.

Overall, I find corporate sounding sites pretty dry and uninspiring. I’m sure this style suits many topics but I’m not sure budget travel is one of them. I find the most useful information to be first hand and reading a personal account of someone’s travels complete with all their feelings about what’s going on is a thousand times better to me than the same information written in a guidebook format. The internet offers a great forum for people to tell their stories and offer first hand advice and giving a site a personal touch lets the reader feel like they’re a part of the adventure rather than feeling as though they’re looking in from the outside. If I want information in that form I can buy a guidebook or look up Wikipedia.

However as I start to treat this website building thing more and more like a business I’m wondering if I should lose the chatty writing style and perhaps become a bit more professional. The personal approach is great for getting my thoughts across but I wonder if people are more likely to trust advice from a random backpacker who knows how to build websites or a corporate sort of site with a nameless, faceless type setup.

I prefer sites with a bit of personality and I think I’ll stick with that approach for now because that’s how I prefer to write. What do you think… or am I the only freak to wonder about these sorts of things?

About Kirsty