A Failed Attempt at Getting Online in the Sky

I flew with American Airlines this afternoon from LA to Miami and was surprised to see them offering wireless internet in the air. It’s called gogo and was only available on the flights between LA and NYC or Miami but that’s a start.

The annoying thing was that my laptop battery was nearly dead but I was willing to fork over the $13-ish fee even for an hour of net in the sky just for the sake of trying it out and writing a review. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t work! My wireless networks list told me I was connected but my browser wouldn’t bring up the sign-in page. Oh well.

I had three seats to myself today on the flight from Brisbane to LA and still couldn’t sleep a wink lying down so I think it’s confirmed that sleeping on planes is pretty much impossible for me. Having the internet would be a surefire way to keep me entertained and, hopefully, productive. In flight wifi would be something I would buy on every long haul flight if I’m travelling alone so I’m curious to see which other airlines will be offering this… and if I am actually able to get it to work.

Has anyone else encountered a wifi connection in the sky? Is this something you’d be interested in or do you prefer to veg out in the air and do your wireless working on the ground?

About Kirsty