Working Among the Mighty Frappuccino

I’m not that big a fan of Starbucks. Actually, that’s not true. I like to think I don’t like Starbucks and globalisation and blah blah blah but the reality of it is that I love frappuccinos too much to ever turn my back on the big ‘Bucks. Now I love their wifi too. I’m a lost cause and I don’t even drink coffee! Oh the shame.

I felt like I was starting to look like too much of a nerd at the hostel, always sitting in the lobby, laptop perched on my lap and looking all busy and stuff. So I decided to take my nerdy escapades on the road and am now sitting in a Starbucks in downtown Kuala Lumpur.

I’ve got a comfy chair, corner location, spacious table and the holy grail of mobile workers – a power point next to me. There are yummy smells swirling around me, chilled out tunes blaring out of the speakers, other nerds all around to detract from my own nerdiness, and access to the finest of all icy beverages, the delightful but expensive mocha frappuccino.

With all these distractions I never would have expected to be able to get much done but it turns out that I’m being pretty productive. I’ve booked some hostels, written a few blog posts, eaten a banana muffin, altered a few images, drank a frappuccino, emailed my mum, read a few blogs, and have even managed to fix some tricky coding type things.

I think I’ll stick around for awhile longer. There’s something about the background noise and hustle bustle of the other customers that makes working here pretty easy. I think I’ll settle in for another couple of hours and see what else I can accomplish.

I suppose I should buy something else at some point. Damn you Starbucks, why do I love you so?

About Kirsty